Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ice Storm Update

For those who are wondering, yes we survived the ice storm last Thursday night but we are still without power and water. Of the county we live in 99% were without power. Today (3 days later) there are still about 150,000 homes without power in New Hampshire. Allen had to go into work on Friday so the girls and I hung around the house until about 3 pm when the thermostat read 56 degrees. We took refuge at our branch president's house in front of the nice warm wood stove.

Our landlord rounded up a generator for us late Friday night, so we at least have heat and electricity in the dining room. It looks like it may be the weekend before we get our power restored. We are doing well and are grateful for our 72 hour kit. It has been put to good use. Our hand-crank radio was a wonderful connection to the outside world during those first 12 hours. We are using our camping stove to heat water and lantern for use outside.

If there is one thing we have learned from all this, it is to put away water as much as possible. We had enough to drink but we forgot about the toilets. Thankfully we live close enough to the church building to go and refill our milk jugs. How grateful we are for the counsel of the prophet to prepare for emergencies and for those who have helped us put together our 72-hour kit. We are also very grateful for those who have worked day and night to help keep us and others warm.


Julie said...

Oh my word. You're experiencing quite an adventure. We were without power for 4 days in VA Beach during Hurricane Isabel while I was pregnant with Kason. All our food in the fridge/freezer spoiled, but at least we didn't have trouble keeping warm since it was Septmber. I can't imagine going through it in December with 3 little kids. Thank heaven for your branch president and church for making things easier. It'll be over soon, and you'll always have good stories to tell about December 08.

Angie said...

glad to hear that everything is okay!

Fam in Real Life said...

Ohhh my!!! I'm glad to hear everything is ok. Pretty scary!

Fam in Real Life said...

Ohhh my!!! I'm glad to hear everything is ok. Pretty scary!