Monday, December 22, 2008

It's SNOW much fun!!!

Sarah loves to climb in the winter clothes basket in the closet. Here she is caught once again, no clothes, only one sock, and chomping on a cracker. Ummm.... maybe I'll have a special snack next time i put my gloves on.
(Where is her mother?!?!?!)

It's quite an adjustment to make from winters in Virginia to those in New Hampshire. The girls absolutely love it. They are amazed at how much snow there is (from only 2 snow storms last week.) Luckily we got our power and water back last Wednesday night shortly before the storms hit on Friday. This picture is looking out of our garage down the driveway. The driveway continues on three times this length off to the right, before you get to the street.

Anna and Liz were so young when we moved away from Utah that they don't remember what it's like for snow to stay around for more than a day at most. Here they are attempting to sled down the snowbank made by the plow.

Lizzie is so proud of her strong muscles. Maybe I should put her to work shoveling the driveway!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm glad your water and power are back and that the girls are enjoying the snow. Looks way too cold for me!