This past spring we had a doe give birth to twin fawns in our yard. Unfortunately there has been a drought this past spring, summer, and fall causing a food shortage among the wildlife. After our little family of deer showed up in our yard all skin and bones we decided to feed them a little. They have become our adoptive family. Since feeding them they have put on a few pounds and they just might make it through the winter. We sometimes give them apples and here was a picture of them coming up to our doorstep for their afternoon treat.
Sarah was blessed at church today. As you can see, she wasn't that happy to have her picture taken. It was a very nice day and a beautiful blessing. Anna and Eliza were very excited for Sarah's "blessing day". We sure missed all of our family on this special day.
Our Little Sarah has finally passed the 7 pound mark (but just barely)! HOORAY!!! She is quite a tiny little thing. At almost 8 weeks old she still weighs less than Anna or Lizzie did when they were born. We had a good Halloween. Our branch had a party and trunk-or-treat the Saturday before. The girls had a good time decorating trick-or-treat bags, eating donuts off a string and participating in a cake walk among other activities. We had a great turn-out, having 8 children there!
Sarah was our Little Pumpkin. She is so cute I could eat her right up!